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Glycemic Load Foods

Glycemic Load Foods. Confused about what to eat when you are trying to lose fat? A good starting point is to learn about how your food affects your blood sugar, as high blood sugar is related to various illness and weight gain (Elliot 2002, Apovian 2004). The University of Toronto in 1981 developed the idea [...]

Superfood – Greens

The Karolinksa Institute in Sweden found that eating 300g of Spinach significantly increases the oxygen available to your muscles. They found the nitrates in spinach allow the cells to work 5% more effectively. What is probably more amazing is that the effect can occur after only 3 days of consumption (Weitzberg 2011).   Kale is [...]

Superfoods – Blueberries

Eating blueberries boosts your memory and concentration for up to five hours. According to research from Reading University, the antioxidants within berries activates an enzyme in the body called Enos. This enzyme stimulates the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain keeping you more alert. Additionally, Blueberries classed by scientists as a superfood, are [...]

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